Our Incredible Speakers

Kelsey Buell

Kelsey Buell

Kelsey is an authentic and enthusiastic team builder. She is also an accomplished violinist and singer having performed in front of audiences as large as 15,000. She has given hundreds of presentations on goal setting, preventing burnout, stress management, and leadership skills. As a former corporate recruiter, she conducted over 2,000 candidate interviews. And through her experience, she uncovered the fact that many people are disengaged in their jobs. This led to her strong passion for training and development. She sees the value in investing in yourself and your team. Kelsey’s goal is to help you discover ways to flourish in all areas of your life - both personally and professionally. She founded You Flourish Company as a way to invest deeply in those throughout her community of Fargo and beyond. As someone who spends a lot of time coaching individuals on how to live their most flourishing lives, she realized that having a strong Christian faith is the key to this.