Our Incredible Speakers

Glen Stevens

Glen Stevens

Leading a business is challenging, pressure-packed, competitive and can also be extremely satisfying. Glen Stevens, a former pastor of 25 years, believes God called him to leave that role to start a coaching business, Mental Fitness Guy, that serves and strengthens business leaders. Why business leaders? Glen believes they are uniquely positioned to make our world a better place. When business leaders develop and grow and reach their goals good things happen for the whole community. Glen's mission as a coach is to help business leaders move from where they are to where they want to be faster and without burning out or losing sight of what truly matters.

As an Executive and Mental Fitness Coach Glen offers four services: 1) Mental Fitness Training for Leaders and/or Teams; 2) One-on-One Coaching, 3) Executive Masterminds, and 4) Public Speaking. He specializes in helping business leaders by training their brains to eliminate negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors quickly so they become more resilient, emotionally intelligent and adopt a growth mindset.

Glen is married to Jill (36 years) and has four adult children. He was born and raised in Burlington, ND on a tree farm and landscaping business. He has a BSW from MSUM (1989) and MDiv from Trinity International University (1996) and has current certifications with Positive Intelligence LLC to be a Mental Fitness Coach and Business Made Simple in Nashville to be a Business Made Simple Coach.